Sustainability Pavilion

Satelliet Sustainability pavilion

Embracing the past, creating the future

This is a mission that we have of course been working on in the background for some time, and have now become increasingly more visible. This is of course for a reason. Durable furniture is the most obvious solution, and this collection is quickly getting bigger and bigger. New and also old techniques make it possible to deal more and more responsibly with used materials.

But sustainability is much more than recycling and giving new value to used materials, but also about assigning more value to collaborations. When you strive for sustainability together, beautiful collaborations and initiatives arise with individuals and with materials.

From development to production, from delivery to maintenance and all processes and people who contribute to this. We are at the heart of society and recognise our responsibility for a sustainable future.

To take you on the journey we take together, we cordially invite you to the Sustainability Pavilion of Satelliet. In this physical ‘house of the future’ we would like to give you more insight into the sustainable initiatives with which we are currently making a difference, but also in our plans for the future.

1. Deliver efficiently

Deliveries are planned per region so that cars drive the most efficient route on a daily basis. In this way, the environment is less burdened and transport costs are saved. Especially when the cars will no longer run on fossil fuels in the future.

2. Maintenance

By maintaining furniture, you extend the lifespan. As a result, it needs to be renewed less often with the result that we all make less use of new materials. Think of it as an annual ‘MOT’.

3. Sustainable commitment of employees

People are the biggest capital. Without good people you are nowhere. Satellite therefore considers it important that its own employees, but also the employees of partners, can work and live under the right conditions. Together you create opportunities.

4. SUM

SUM stands for Still Usable Materials and is a name for depreciated materials and the ambition to give new value to these materials. For example, Satelliet has already succeeded in producing aluminium frames, plastic wickerwork and PET felt from recycled materials.

5. Re-use & Recycling

When furniture needs to be replaced, Satelliet likes to give it a second life. They fix it up so that someone else can enjoy it for years to come. If it cannot be repaired, they take it to be disassembled so that everything is properly separated and recycled.

6. Sustainable housing

Satelliet is continuously working on making its buildings more sustainable, because there is also a lot to be gained here. Think of waste separation, (smart) LED lighting, electric company cars, electric heating and draft exclusion. They are also switching to a sustainable energy source, namely solar energy.

7. Packaging

Ordered goods must not be damaged, therefore good packaging is necessary. Where possible, packaging material is reused and returned so that it can be processed in the right way. Satelliet is constantly looking for the balance between as little packaging material as possible and sufficient protection.

8. Residual materials production

Satelliet likes to look for new uses for the residual materials that arise from their daily work producing custom hospitality furniture. Because they do not like to waste, they give new value to these materials. Think of bags made of surplus materials and mouse pads made of surplus leather.

9. Product passport

By listing the materials that the furniture consists of, it can be clearly seen how recyclable a product is. By collecting this information in the form of a product passport, making conscious choices becomes easier when purchasing new furniture.


Then come and admire the pavilion with your own eyes.