Euroseat incorporated into Satelliet Group as part of sustainable growth

The Satelliet Group is committed to sustainable, international growth and, with the incorporation of Euroseat, continues the existing strategic collaboration between Satelliet hospitality furniture and Euroseat. The two suppliers of furniture for the hospitality industry have found each other in their sustainability ambitions, which focus on extending lifespan and reusing materials.

The incorporation of Euroseat into the Satelliet Group marks an important step in the ambition to be the most sustainable supplier of hospitality furniture in Europe by 2030. The incorporation of Euroseat allows the circle to be closed and the principle of re-duce, re-use and re-cycling to be further shaped.

Satelliet develops quality furniture for which sustainably sourced and recycled raw materials are increasingly used. Euroseat can collect furniture available in the market after use to extend its lifespan or recycle materials. Offering furniture and other goods for a second life takes place in the outlet or through organised auctions by the business unit MTP Auctions.

Its commitment to sustainability, quality and affordability makes Euroseat the ideal partner to contribute to Satelliet Group's international growth and sustainability ambitions.

Christan Brouwers | CEO - Satelliet hospitality furniture
"The incorporation of Euroseat into the Satelliet Group feels like an important step in the realisation of our ambitions and an extension of the sustainable services we provide to our customers. We are increasingly encountering entrepreneurs who want to replace their furniture, but don't want to just part with it for reasons of sustainability. The furniture is often still in good condition and represents considerable value. With Euroseat, we can make this entrepreneur a good trade-in offer and supply our quality furniture again to other entrepreneurs as used furniture. Thanks to Euroseat, our furniture gets a second life or is professionally processed into usable recycled raw materials. A win-win situation and, above all, a sustainable solution."

Marco Wokke | CEO - Euroseat | MTP Auctions
"Sustainable business is something you do together and why not with a partner you have been working with for years in a pleasant way? We have been focusing on offering used hospitality furniture for more than 20 years and have built up more than 16 years of history with Satelliet. We offer a sustainable and alternative choice, for both starters and conscious entrepreneurs, of affordable and reliable furniture. With the cooperation between Satelliet, Euroseat and MTP Auctions, we give even more emphatic direction to the sustainable course: the group guarantees itself of a continuous flow of used furniture from the market and brings about an expansion of international services. All with the aim of contributing to the joint sustainability goals."

About Euroseat | MTP Auctions
Euroseat is Europe's largest hospitality furniture outlet in used furniture and offers a sustainable and alternative choice for conscious entrepreneurs. 90% of the purchased hospitality furniture in the hospitality outlet is ready for a second life. If the furniture is no longer usable, the individual parts are often still suitable for recycling. By recycling furniture and reusing materials, we minimise the production of waste and the associated CO2 emissions. Based on the same idea of sustainability, MTP Auctions offers the solution for surplus inventory, whereby supply and demand are linked by auctions after purchase.

About the Satelliet Group
The Satelliet Group - consisting of Satelliet hospitality furniture, Satelliet Belgium, Satelliet Norway and Lensen Projectinrichters - is active in the design, development, production and distribution of indoor and outdoor furniture for the hospitality market (restaurants, pubs and hotels), but also for offices, educational and care institutions, retail, leisure and maritime industry. Satelliet contributes to the creation of pleasant meeting places where people come to a better performance, feel more comfortable and can enjoy themselves together. Satelliet is initiator and owner of the partner platform Inspirium and owner of the Satelliet Originals brand. Lensen designs, provides and supervises complete furnishing projects in the specialist market of Care and Cure.